epa06413245 Hindu men take a mass holy bath in the Hanumante River during the Madhav Narayan festival in Bhaktapur, Nepal, 02 January 2018. The Madhav Narayan festival is a full month devoted to religious fasting, holy bathing and the study of the Swasthani book, a chapter or story of which is read each evening by priests or householders to the gathered family. Thousands of married women and dozens of male devotees concluded their month-long fast for better life and peace in the country at various temples. Unmarried women take the fast to get a good husband and married women for their families’ prosperity. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Nepal: festiwal Madhav Narayan [GALERIA]

Madhav Narayan to święty miesiąc poświęcony postom i czytaniu świętych pism przez Nepalczyków. Zobaczcie, jak świętowali jego zakończenie!

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