epa05621190 Participants prepare their hot-air balloon before take-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Portugalia: 20. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Balonów
W mieście Fronteira w Portugalii odbywa się 20. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Balonów na Ogrzane Powietrze. Potrwa on do 12 listopada. Fot. PAP/NUNO VEIGA
- epa05621187 Hot-air balloons participate in the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05621188 A pilot prepares his hot-air balloon before take-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa05621189 A participant prepares his hot-air balloon before take-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05621191 Participants prepare their hot-air balloon before take-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05621192 A hot-air balloon flies over Alentejo fields during the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival, in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05621194 A hot-air balloon takes-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05621195 A hot-air balloon takes-off for the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05621204 A hot-air balloon flies over Alentejo fields during the first flight in the 20th International Hot-Air Balloons Festival, in Fronteira, Portugal, 07 November 2016. The event runs until 12 November. EPA/NUNO VEIGA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.