Filipiny: obchody święta św. Jana w dobie koronawirusa [GALERIA]
Mieszkańcy miasta San Juan na Filipinach obchodzili święto swojego patrona, Jana Chrzciciela, znanego świętego katolickiego, który ochrzcił Jezusa Chrystusa. W tym roku, ze względu na ograniczenia spowodowane pandemią koronawirusa, święto odbyło się bez wody na ulicach miasta. Fot. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA.
- epa08505157 Devotees watch a motorcade in honor of Saint John the Baptist in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08505162 Devotees wear protective masks and observe physical distancing while praying outside the Saint John the Baptist parish church in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08505156 Devotees watch a motorcade in honor of Saint John the Baptist from their home in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08505155 A motorcade is conducted in city streets in honor of Saint John the Baptist in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08505158 A devotee holds a statue of Saint John the Baptist while waiting for a motorcade honoring the saint in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08505150 A motorcade is conducted in city streets in honor of Saint John the Baptist in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08505152 Devotees watch a motorcade in honor of Saint John the Baptist in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08505151 Devotees watch a motorcade in honor of Saint John the Baptist from their home in San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 24 June 2020. San Juan City marked the feast day of its patron saint John the Baptist, known in Catholicism as the one who baptized Jesus Christ, without the traditional water festival in city streets due to COVID-19 health protocols advising devotees to stay home instead and view a motorcade taking a statue of the saint around neighborhhood streets. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.