epa06069491 Revellers celebrate the traditional firing of a firecracker, or 'Txupinazo’, from the City Hall’s balcony which marks the beginning of the Festival of San Fermin 2017, at the Town Hall square in Pamplona, Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event – the running of the bulls, or encierro – where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city. EPA/VILLAR LOPEZ Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Gonitwa byków w Pampelunie [GALERIA]
Uroczyste rozpoczęcie hiszpańskiej fiesty miało miejsce w czwartek. W odbywających się przez cały tydzień gonitwach uczestnicy uciekają przed pędzącymi przez miasto bykami, które później giną na arenie. Piątkowy bieg trwał 2 minuty i 55 sekund. Tradycja fiesty ku czci św. Fermina, jednego z patronów Nawarry – prowincji, gdzie znajduje się Pampeluna, sięga XVI wieku. Uroczystości i zabawy z tej okazji rozsławił amerykański pisarz Ernest Hemingway w powieści „Słońce też wschodzi”. Fot. PAP/EPA
- epa06072120 Bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase 'mozos’ or runners at the entry to the bullring at the end of the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Peio Hernandez Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06069491 Revellers celebrate the traditional firing of a firecracker, or 'Txupinazo’, from the City Hall’s balcony which marks the beginning of the Festival of San Fermin 2017, at the Town Hall square in Pamplona, Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event – the running of the bulls, or encierro – where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city. EPA/VILLAR LOPEZ Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06069770 Samantha Kane Gale, an American who lives in Paris and has been attending the Fiesta de San Fermin ten times, has sangria poured on her as the Festival of San Fermin 2017 begins in Pamplona, Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event – the running of the bulls, or encierro – where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06069800 Revellers celebrate the traditional firing of the 'Txupinazo’ from the City Hall’s balcony which marks the beginning of the Festival of San Fermin 2017, at the Town Hall square in Pamplona, Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event – the running of the bulls, or encierro – where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city. EPA/DANIEL FERNANDEZ Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06069806 Thousands of revellers pack the plaza at the town hall as the Festival of San Fermin 2017 begins in Pamplona, Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event – the running of the bulls, or encierro – where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06070995 Revealers dance the traditional 'Riau-Riau’ song in front of the City Hall’s balcony at the beginning of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, northern Spain, 06 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint, San Fermin, and hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. EPA/Jesus Diges Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa06071961 People observe from their balconies while bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase runners or 'mozos’ during the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Villar Lopez Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06071969 Bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase runners or 'mozos’ at the entry to the bullring at the end of the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Javier Lizon Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06071970 Bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase runners or 'mozos’ in the Cuesta Santo Domingo during the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Jesus Diges Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06071972 Bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase runners or 'mozos’ along the Estafeta street during the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Villar Lopez Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06071975 Bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago chase runners or 'mozos’ during the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Josu Santesteban Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06071977 Mozos or 'runners’ lead the bulls from the bull ranch Cebada Gago along the Telefonica stretch during the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Daniel Fernandez Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06072108 Mozos or 'runners’ pray in front of the niche containing the statue of St. Fermin prior to the start of the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/JESUS DIGES Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06072119 A bull from the bull ranch Cebada Gago charges against a 'mozo’ or runner at the entry to the bullring at the end of the first bull run of Sanfermines 2017 in Pamplona, Navarra, northern Spain, 07 July 2017. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city’s patron saint San Fermin. EPA/Peio Hernandez Dostawca: PAP/EPA.