
Hongkong: brutalne starcia studentów z Policją. Parasol „symbolem oporu” [FOTOREPORTAŻ]
Starcia pomiędzy prodemokratycznymi demonstrantami a policją trwają od wtorku wieczorem w wielu częściach Hongkongu, w tym na kampusie Uniwersytetu Chińskiego (CUHK), gdzie studenci rzucali koktajle Mołotowa, a policja użyła gazu łzawiącego i gumowych kul.
Kampus CUHK „zmienił się w pole bitwy” – relacjonuje portal Hong Kong Free Press. Na nagraniach publikowanych w mediach społecznościowych widać płonące barykady i sylwetki ubranych na czarno demonstrantów w obłokach ciemnego dymu i gazu łzawiącego.
Po wielu godzinach napięć policja napisała w komunikacie, że porozumiała się z władzami uczelni w sprawie „pokojowego rozwiązania” i przygotowuje się do odwrotu. Wcześniej publiczna stacja RTHK podała, że policjanci potraktowali gazem łzawiącym prezesa CUHK Rocky’ego Tuana, który usiłował z nimi negocjować.

Według policji celem operacji było powstrzymanie protestujących, którzy rzucali koktajle Mołotowa i inne przedmioty z mostu na przebiegające pod nim tory kolejowe i jadące drogą pojazdy. Rzecznik policji Kong Wing-cheung ocenił po południu na konferencji prasowej, że działania demonstrantów w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dni zepchnęły społeczeństwo Hongkongu „na skraj całkowitego załamania”.
Niespokojnie było we wtorek również w innych częściach Hongkongu. Na półwyspie Koulun protestujący dewastowali sklepy i podpalili choinkę w centrum handlowym Festival Walk. Miał to być odwet za rzekome zezwolenie na interwencję policji w tym domu towarowym w niedzielę, gdy funkcjonariusze w cywilu zatrzymali tam grupę demonstrantów podejrzanych o wandalizm.
>>> Chrześcijańskie wartości u chińskich demonstrantów
Policja użyła również we wtorek wieczorem gazu łzawiącego przeciwko protestującym, którzy blokowali ulice i niszczyli sklepy w dzielnicy Mong Kok. Wcześniej demonstranci zdewastowali i podpalili pusty pociąg metra na stacji Sheung Shui na Nowych Terytoriach. W związku z protestami wcześniej niż zwykle zamknięto we wtorek co najmniej 18 stacji metra.
W dzielnicy Causeway Bay na wyspie Hongkong strażacy ugasili wieczorem pożar zewnętrznej części sklepu znajdującego się na parterze budynku mieszkalnego. Wcześniej demonstranci podpalali w tej okolicy siedziby banków i wejścia na stację metra.

Po południu w dzielnicy Sha Tin na Wschodnich Nowych Terytoriach policjanci w cywilu wyciągnęli pistolety i wycelowali je w demonstrantów, którzy zatrzymali i zaatakowali ich samochód – podał dziennik „South China Morning Post”, powołując się na źródło policyjne. Część napastników miała być uzbrojona w metalowe pręty.
Uczestnicy trwających od czerwca protestów domagają się między innymi demokratycznych wyborów władz regionu i niezależnego śledztwa w sprawie działań policji, której zarzucają używanie nadmiernej siły. Popierana przez rząd centralny szefowa administracji Hongkongu Carrie Lam wykluczyła jednak ustępstwa i określiła demonstrantów jako „wrogów publicznych”.
>>> Katolicka modlitwa tysięcy protestujących w Hongkongu
Protestujących rozgniewało między innymi postrzelenie jednego z demonstrantów ostrą amunicją w czasie starć w poniedziałek. Na nagraniu opublikowanym w mediach społecznościowych widać, że postrzelony 21-latek nie był uzbrojony. Młody mężczyzna przeszedł w szpitalu operację i jest w stanie krytycznym. Policja twierdzi, że usiłował on wyrwać broń z ręki funkcjonariusza, który strzelił, by temu zapobiec.

- epa08002946 A pro-democracy protester uses a tennis racket during clashes with police outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08002992 Pro-democracy protesters during clashes with police outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08003212 A pro-democracy protester hides behind an umbrella as a police truck sprays water on demonstrators outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08003215 Pro-democracy protesters react as police fires tear gas during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08004841 A paramedic helps an injured protester near the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa08000903 An umbrella lays on a road full of bricks set by pro-democracy protesters outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 16 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08001503 Umbrellas lay on a road full of bricks set by pro-democracy protesters outside the Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, 16 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08002146 A pro-democracy protester rests at the Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, early 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08002818 A pro-democracy protester uses his mobile phone inside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08002824 A vandalised elevator screen sits on a pedestrian overpass leading to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08002871 Pro-democracy protester holds a petrol bomb during clashes with the police outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, 17 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005048 Hong Kong riot police officers detain a pro-democracy protester during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08005076 Riot police detain a pro-democracy protester during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005082 Pro-democracy protesters stand on a pedestrian overpass that was set on fire during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08005102 A riot police officer moves umbrellas used by pro-democracy protesters during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005104 A riot police officer kicks away an umbrella used by pro-democracy protesters during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08005116 A Pro-democracy protester reacts as police fires tear gas during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epaselect epa08005229 A riot police officer fires tear gas at pro-democracy protesters (not pictured) during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005308 A resident (R) covers her face as another (L) looks out from a closed shop after police fired tear gas at pro-democracy protesters (not pictured) during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08006024 Pro-democracy protesters react after police fired tear gas as they march on Salisbury Road towards Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08006096 Pro-democracy protesters take cover behind barricades during clashes with police in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGEUL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08006099 Pro-democracy protesters take cover behind barricades as police fire tear gas during clashes in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGEUL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08006225 Pro-democracy protesters take cover behind umbrellas during clashes with police in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGUEL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08006228 Riot police move in to disperse protesters during clashes in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGUEL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08006575 Riot police officer arrest anti-government protesters in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGUEL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08007281 Pro-democracy protesters leave the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) campus in Hong Kong, China 19 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08007425 Clean up crews clean the street the day after clashes between protesters and police in Tsim Sha Tsui near the Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, 19 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08007427 An under 18 protester leaves the Polytechnic University with his relatives, in Hong Kong, China, 19 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08007463 Police arrest a protester near the Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, 19 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/JEROME FAVRE Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08006098 Pro-democracy protesters take cover behind barricades during clashes with police in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGEUL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08006023 A pro-democracy protester prepares to throw a petrol bomb as they are confronted by police on the march on Salisbury Road towards Polytechnic University, in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08005705 Detained and injured protesters wait to be evacuated by ambulance near Polytechnic University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China,18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005698 Detained and injured protesters wait to be evacuated by ambulance near Polytechnic University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China,18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa08005675 Detained and injured protesters wait to be evacuated by ambulance near Polytechnic University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China,18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill, and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/BING GUAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa08005649 Pro-democracy protesters react as police fires tear gas during clashes in the Jordan district of Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/MIGEUL CANDELA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epaselect epa08005101 Riot police arrest a pro-democracy protester during clashes outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in Hong Kong, China, 18 November 2019. Hong Kong is in its sixth month of mass protests, which were originally triggered by a now withdrawn extradition bill and have since turned into a wider pro-democracy movement. EPA/FAZRY ISMAIL Dostawca: PAP/EPA.