epa06152658 Rescue work continues at the site of a train accident where coaches of Puri-Haridwar Kalinga Utkal Expresss train derailed in Khatauli near Muzaffarnagar, India, 20 August 2017. According to reports, around 25 people were killed and more than 70 were injured after 14 coaches of an Puri-Haridwar Kalinga Utkal Expresss train derailed in the evening. EPA/RAJAT GUPTA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Indie: ogromna katastrofa pociągu [GALERIA]

Trwają prace ratownicze w miejscu wykolejenia się  pociągu w Khatauli w Indiach. Zgodnie z doniesieniami 25 osób zginęło, a ponad 70 zostało rannych. 


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