Izrael: przygotowanie macy na Paschę [GALERIA]
Ortodoksyjni Żydzi przygotowują się na Paschę. Na zdjęciach specjalistyczna piekarnia macy, czyli przaśnego chleba w Beit Shemesh w Izraelu. Chleb przaśny jedzony jest w Wielkim Tygodniu zamiast zwykłego chleba upamiętniając w ten sposób wyjście Żydów z Egiptu. Fot. PAP/EPA/ABIR SULTAN
- epa05887953 Ultra-Orthodox Jews prepare unleavened bread or Matzah at a Matzah bakery in Beit Shemesh, Israel, 04 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05887956 Ultra-Orthodox Jews knead dough at a Matzah bakery in Beit Shemesh, Israel, 04 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05887962 Ultra-Orthodox Jews place unleavened bread or Matzah inside an oven at a Matzah bakery in Beit Shemesh, Israel, 04 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05887966 Ultra-Orthodox Jews knead dough at a Matzah bakery in Beit Shemesh, Israel, 04 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05892447 Ultra-Orthodox Jews prepare unleavened bread or Matzah at a Matzah bakery in Kfar Habad near Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05892450 Ultra-Orthodox Jews knead dough at a Matzah bakery in Kfar Habad near Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05892452 Ultra-Orthodox Jews place unleavened bread or Matzah inside an oven at a Matzah bakery in Kfar Habad near Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05892454 Ultra-Orthodox Jews knead dough at a Matzah bakery in Kfar Habad near Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2017. Matzah, or unleavened bread, is used instead of bread during the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt in Biblical times. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.