epa06119339 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Jerozolima: święto Tisza be Aw [GALERIA]
Tisza be Aw upamiętnia rocznicę zburzenia Pierwszej i Drugiej Świątyni Jerozolimskiej. Jest to święto żałoby, w trakcie którego obowiązuje ścisły, całodobowy post trwający od zmierzchu do wieczora dnia następnego. Zakończenie obchodów tego święta niesie już elementy nadziei – zawiesza się parochet i okrycia pulpitów, stopniowo zapala się lampy, mężczyźni zakładają szale modlitewne oraz tefilin i recytują modlitwy błagające o pociechę dla Syjonu, odbudowę Świątyni i powrót do Jerozolimy. Fot. PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa06119331 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06119332 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06119335 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06119337 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06119338 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06119340 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06119341 Orthodox Jews attend a night long prayer to mark Tisha B’av at the Western Wall, in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel, 01 August 2017. During Tisha B’av, Ultra Orthodox Jews stay up all night and sleep at the Western Wall as they recite lamentations focusing on the destruction of the First and Second temples, the second of which was located on the other side of the ancient wall, on the Temple Mount. EPA/ABIR SULTAN Dostawca: PAP/EPA.