epa05629867 Indian School children’s in a traditational attire of a characters of Indian epic Ramayan, on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Indie: Dzień Dziecka
14 listopada w Indiach obchodzone jest Bal Divas, czyli Dzień Dziecka. Na zdjęciach dzieci w przebraniach postaci eposu Ramajana oraz ćwiczące jogę na linach w parku w Bangalore. Corocznie obchodzi się ten dzień, by zwiększać świadomość o prawach i edukacji dzieci. Wiele szkół organizuje wtedy tematyczne lekcje i pozwala na większą swobodę na zajęciach, np. pozwalając ubierać się na kolorowo. Fot. PAP/EPAJAGADEESH NV
- epa05629856 A general view of the flower decorated replica of the Eiffel Tower at cubbon park, on the eve of children’s day celebration in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05629857 A general view of the flower decorated replica of the Eiffel Tower at cubbon park, on the eve of children’s day celebration in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05629867 Indian School children’s in a traditational attire of a characters of Indian epic Ramayan, on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epaselect epa05629870 Indian School children’s in a traditational attire of a characters of Indian epic Ramayan, on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05629883 Indian School children’s dressed up like a folk artists before their performance, on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05629903 Indian School children perform a rope yoga on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05629904 Indian School children perform a rope yoga on the eve of children’s day celebration at cubbon park, in Bangalore, India, 13 November 2016. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas), in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Many schools hold activities and allow students to have fun and attend their classes in coloured dresses. EPA/JAGADEESH NV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.