epa06064362 Iraqi displaced people arrive to the positions of Iraqi forces in old city area of western Mosul, Iraq, 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of a gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Irak: bitwa o Mosul
Zbliżający się koniec walk nie oznacza, że w mieście panuje spokój. Krwawe walki trwają wciąż m.in. wokół meczetu. Na okolicznych ulicach w każdej chwili natknąć się z kolei można na miny lub zdesperowanych uciekinierów – również dezerterów z szeregów tak zwanego Państwa Islamskiego. W wyzwolonych częściach miasta przed służbami stoi również wielkie zadanie rozminowania terenu oraz usunięcia ciał nim możliwe będzie rozpoczęcie odbudowy i powrót ludności cywilnej.
- epa06064342 A general view showing smoke clouds rising from the western part of Mosul city, Iraq, 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of the gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06064343 Iraqi displaced people arrive to the positions of Iraqi forces in old city area western Mosul, Iraq on 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of the gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06064345 An Iraqi child sits on the shoulder of her father as they flee from western Mosul, Iraq on 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of the gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- Fot. PAP/EPA

- epa06064362 Iraqi displaced people arrive to the positions of Iraqi forces in old city area of western Mosul, Iraq, 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of a gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06064363 Iraqi displaced people arrive to the positions of Iraqi forces in old city area of western Mosul, Iraq, 03 July 2017. Iraqi security forces are in the final stages of a gruelling battle to retake second city Mosul, which they launched more than eight months ago. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Sunni extremist group IS appeared for the first time in public at a mosque in old city area western Mosul, to declared caliphate on 04 July 2014. EPA/STR Dostawca: PAP/EPA.