Nepal: rekrutacja do wojska [GALERIA]
Nepalska młodzież uczestniczy w sesji treningowej, zorganizowanej przez prywatny instytut Salute Gurkha w Katmandu w Nepalu. Brytyjska armia co roku rekrutuje 250 mężczyzn, a setki kandydatów rywalizują o elitarną pracę w Gurkhach. Elitarny pułk Brygady Gurkhów pod dowództwem brytyjskiej armii będzie miał swoich pierwszych żeńskich żołnierzy rekrutujących się w 2020 roku, kończąc tym samym męską dominację jednostki przez ponad 200 lat.
- epa06899529 Nepalese youth participate in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa06899528 Nepalese youth participate in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06899527 Nepalese youth participate in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06899525 A Nepalese youth participates in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06899523 A Nepalese youth participates in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06899521 Nepalese youth participate in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06899520 A Nepalese youth participates in a physical training session, organized by the Salute Gurkha private institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, 20 July 2018. The British Army has recruited 250 men every year and hundreds of aspirants compete for the elite job in the Gurkhas. The elite regiment of Brigade of Gurkhas under the British Army will have its first female soldiers recruits in 2020, ending male domination of the unit for more than 200 years. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.