epa06752713 Ethnic Csango Hungarians pilgrims talk prior to the start of a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Rumunia: zesłanie Ducha Św. w Transylwanii [GALERIA]
Czangowie – madziarskojęzyczna grupa etniczna zamieszkująca obecnie głównie tereny górskie regionu Mołdawii w obecnych granicach Rumunii i Węgrzech – także świętowała Zesłanie Ducha Świętego. Święto te, co roku przyciąga setki tysięcy pielgrzymów żyjących w Zagłębiu Karpackim.
- epa06752632 Pilgrims rest prior to the Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06752637 Ethnic Csango Hungarians pilgrims attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06752638 Hungarian pilgrims attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06752643 Ethnic Csango Hungarian boy rides a horse priort to attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06752643 Ethnic Csango Hungarian boy rides a horse priort to attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06752618 A Hungarian (top) and a Szekler flag fly above pilgrims as they gather to attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06752713 Ethnic Csango Hungarians pilgrims talk prior to the start of a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06752715 The locomotive of the train named Szekler Express, which carrying Hungarian pilgrims to the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, is seen at the No.30th Railway Station on the one-thousand-year-old former border of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06752631 Pilgrims stand between wooden headboards as they attend a Whitsunday mass at the Kontumaci Chapel in Ghimes-Faget, or Gyimesbukk in Hungarian, in Transylvania, Romania, 20 May 2018. The previous day pilgrims attended the traditional Roman Catholic Pentecostal festival in Sumuleu, or Csiksomlyo in Hungarian, Romania. The Pentecostal pilgrimage to Csiksomlyo dating back to 1567 attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year as the largest religious festivals of the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin. EPA/Balazs Mohai HUNGARY OUT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.