epa05640252 People dance during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej: festiwal Abissa
Organizowany przez lud N’Zima coroczny festiwal odbywający się na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej odbywa się pod koniec października lub na początku listopada. Ma charakter radosny, a jego celem jest podsumowanie roku i ewentualne wskazanie na nieprawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu plemienia. Wszyscy zbierają się wokół lidera plemienia, tańczą i oddają cześć demokracji i porządkowi publicznemu. Fot. PAP/EPA/LEGNAN KOULA
- epa05640252 People dance during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05640253 Awoulae TANOE Amon King of Grand-Bassam is transported during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05640254 A old woman dances during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05640256 A man dances during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05640257 People dance during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05640259 A woman dances during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05640260 Awoulae TANOE Amon King of Grand-Bassam and his wife look during the festival of Abissa in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, 20 November 2016. The feast of the abissa. It is indeed a feast of rejoicing organized by the N’Zima community to symbolize the concepts of democracy and social justice. The N’Zima, a people of Ghanaian origin, finds herself around her leader and to the sounds of the tams-tams to take stock of the past year, and eventually denounce the injustices committed, or confess them publicly within the framework As part of a request for forgiveness to the people and an repentance. The festival of Abissa is celebrated each year between the end of October and the beginning of November. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA Dostawca: PAP/EPA.