epa06342344 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
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Zimbabwe: prezydent ustąpił, radość na ulicach [GALERIA]
Prezydent Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe ustąpił ze sprawowanego od 37 lat urzędu, o swojej decyzji informując w liście przekazanym parlamentowi – oświadczył przewodniczący izby niższej (Zgromadzenia Narodowego) Jacob Mudenda.
Chwilę wcześniej Mudenda przerwał procedurę impeachmentu Mugabego, by poinformować, że otrzymał od niego list z rezygnacją, a następnie go odczytał:
Ja, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, niniejszym oficjalnie składam rezygnację jako prezydent Zimbabwe ze skutkiem natychmiastowym”
Zdjęcie: Robert Mugabe ,fot: Aaron Ufumeli, PAP/EPA
Mugabe ma 93 lata. Podkreśla, że decyzję podjął dobrowolnie, by umożliwić „płynne przekazanie władzy”. Prosi też parlament o jak najszybsze przekazanie tej informacji społeczeństwu.
Odczytaniu listu towarzyszyły okrzyki radości deputowanych, w Harare rozległy się klaksony samochodów
Tysiące ludzie wyszły na ulice, by świętować rezygnację niepopularnego prezydenta – relacjonuje Reuters. Niektórzy trzymali portrety dowódcy sił zbrojnych generała Constantino Chiwengi oraz zdymisjonowanego przez Mugabego wiceprezydenta Emmersona Mnangagwy, którego dymisja skłoniła wojsko do interwencji oraz objęcia Mugabego i jego żony aresztem domowym.
Co dalej?
Agencja zauważa, że Mugabe nie wskazuje w swym liście, komu przekazuje władzę. Mudenda powiedział, że pracuje już nad kwestiami prawnymi, by nowy przywódca objął władzę do środy wieczór. Rządząca w Zimbabwe partia ZANU-PF poinformowała, że obowiązki szefa państwa przejmie w ciągu 48 godzin Mnangagwa. Wysoki rangą przedstawiciel partii – Lovemore Matuke – powiedział z kolei, że Mnangagwa, który po swej dymisji uciekł z kraju, „przebywa niedaleko”.
Historyczny tydzień Zimbabwe
Rezygnacja Mugabego to zwieńczenie niezwykłego tygodnia w historii Zimbabwe, zapoczątkowanego przez bezkrwawy wojskowy zamach stanu – podkreślają zagraniczne agencje prasowe. Zdjęcia: Kim Ludbrook i Aaron Ufumeli, PAP/EPA.
epa06342344 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342346 A man carries a portrait of Robert Mugabe as people celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342366 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342367 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342368 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342369 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342371 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342372 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342373 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
W niedzielę rządząca partia Mugabego pozbawiła go funkcji szefa ugrupowania. Usunęła ponadto ze swych szeregów pierwszą damę Grace, sposobioną na następczynię prezydenta, a także grupę lojalnych wobec niej, wpływowych działaczy partyjnych.
Mugabe jeszcze w niedzielę zapowiadał, że będzie przewodniczył zjazdowi partii w grudniu i oceniał, że wydarzenia w kraju nie zagrażają konstytucji ani jego władzy jako głowy państwa i dowódcy sił zbrojnych. Ponieważ nie zastosował się do ultimatum własnej partii i nie podał się do dymisji do południa w poniedziałek, we wtorek w parlamencie rozpoczęła się wobec niego procedura impeachmentu. Mugabemu zarzucono, że nie przestrzegał konstytucji oraz „pozwolił, by jego żona uzurpowała sobie władzę”; wskazywano również jego podeszły wiek i stan zdrowia niepozwalający na skuteczne rządzenie państwem.
93-letni Mugabe pozostawał u władzy przez 37 lat i był najstarszym szefem państwa na świecie. Pod jego rządami zasobny wcześniej kraj popadł w ruinę gospodarczą, a jego przeciwnicy polityczni byli prześladowani.
epa06342150 People protest outside parliament as lawmakers are to attend a parliament session in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s lower house opened a hearing to discuss an impeachment motion of censure against President Robert Mugabe, who has lost his own party’s support since the military takeover. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342160 People protest outside parliament as lawmakers are to attend a parliament session in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s lower house opened a hearing to discuss an impeachment motion of censure against President Robert Mugabe, who has lost his own party’s support since the military takeover. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342295 (FILE) – A member of the Presidential Guard holds a framed picture of President Robert Mugabe outside the House of Parliament before the official opening of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament of Zimbabwe in Harare, Zimbabwe, 12 September 2017 (reissued 21 November 2017). Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President. EPA/AARON UFUMELI *** Local Caption *** 53764247
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342297 (FILE) – One of the presents given to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe during a suprise birthday party held on the occasion of his 93rd birthday at his Munhumutapa offices in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 February 2017 (reissued 21 November 2017). Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President. EPA/AARON UFUMELI *** Local Caption *** 53342721
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342339 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epaselect epa06342341 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342342 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
epa06342343 People celebrate outside parliament after hearing the news that President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 November 2017. Zimbabwe’s parliamentary speaker on 21 November said Mugabe has resigned as President via a letter to parliament after having been president of Zimbabwe for 37 years. This comes days after tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital to call for President Mugabe to step down. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.