Narodowy Dzień Słonia w Tajlandii [GALERIA]
Narodowy Dzień Słonia obchodzony jest w Tajlandii co roku 13 marca. Święto ma pokazywać jak ważne dla kraju są te zwierzęta.
- epa05845346 Elephants eat various kinds of fruit and vegetables during an elephant buffet to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05845341 Elephants eat various kinds of fruit and vegetables during an elephant buffet to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05845345 Elephants eat various kinds of fruit and vegetables during an elephant buffet to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05845342 Elephants and mahouts wearing Thai traditional clothing take part in an elephant duel to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- Dzień Słonia w Tajlandii. Fot. PAP/EPA/NARONG SANGANK

- epa05845335 Elephants and mahouts wearing Thai traditional clothing take part in an elephant duel to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05845340 Thai mahouts on elephants carry portraits of the late Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej (L) and King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun (R) as part of the parade to mark the National Elephant Day at the Elephant Kraal Pavillion of the ancient historical city in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, 13 March 2017. National Thai Elephant Day is held annually on 13 March to celebrate the animal and show how important it is to the country. EPA/NARONG SANGANK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.