epa06053564 A Filipino informal settler girl riding on a makeshift boat pulls a rope next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Przenosiny domów na Filipinach [GALERIA]
Według władz miasta Las Palmas na Filipinach ponad setka rodzin żyjąca przy brzegu rzeki musi zostać przeniesiona w celu zachowania bezpieczeństwa. Filipińczycy burzą i przenoszą swoje domy.
- epa06053567 Filipino informal settler children riding on a makeshift boat pull a rope next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06053562 Filipino informal settlers with their belongings ride on a makeshift boat next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06053563 Filipino residents collect trash following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06053561 Filipino informal settlers with their belongings ride on a makeshift boat next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06053558 Filipino environmentalists collect trash next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06053557 A Filipino informal settler walks past dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06053560 Filipino informal settler children riding on a makeshift boat pull a rope next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06053555 A Filipino informal settler girl riding on a makeshift boat pulls a rope next to dismantled houses following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06053554 A Filipino informal settler boy rescues a drowning kitten following a demolition of shanties at a river in Las Pinas city, south of Manila, Philippines, 28 June 2017. According to a village official, more than a hundred families living along the river bank are being relocated in a government housing project, which will pave way for flood-control workers to dredge the heavily-silted river in preparation for the rainy season and expected flooding. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG Dostawca: PAP/EPA.