epa06327841 'Miss Chile’ Estefania Galeotas displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Japonia: międzynarodowy konkurs na najpiękniejszą miss [GALERIA]
W Tokyo odbywa się właśnie międzynarodowy konkurs na najpiękniejszą miss. Wśród uczestniczek, także nasza rodaczka, Paulina Maziarz. Zobaczcie tę różnorodną galerię kultur i przepięknych strojów!
- epa06327792 'Miss France’ Maeva Balan-Merceron (C) displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327793 'Miss Panama’ Darelys Santos displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327828 'Miss China’ Shi Jia displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327830 'Miss Costa Rica’ Karla Paola Chacon Fuentes displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327831 'Miss Dominican Republic’ Jennifer Valdez displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327833 'Miss Guatemala’ Ana Lucia Villagran displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327834 'Miss Ecuador’ Jocelyn Mieles displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327836 'Miss Honduras’ Vanessa Villars displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327838 'Miss Spain’ Elizabeth Victoria Ledesma Laker poses during the evening dress show of the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327840 Contestants participate in the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327841 'Miss Chile’ Estefania Galeotas displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327859 'Miss Japan’ Natsuki Tsutsui displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327860 'Miss Myanmar’ Sao Yoon Wadi displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327863 'Miss Poland’ Paulina Maziarz displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06327864 'Miss Nicaragua’ Helen Martinez Treminio displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06327866 'Miss Peru’ Tiffany Lopez displays her national costume during the 'Miss International’ Beauty Pageant 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, 14 November 2017. Representatives from 69 countries and regions took part in the beauty contest. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON Dostawca: PAP/EPA.