epa06640048 Fireworks goes off during the 'Explosion of the Cart’, or 'Scoppio del carro’, a tradition outside the landmark cathedral in Florence, Italy, 01 April 2018. Annually on Easter Sunday a cart packed with fireworks is ignited and provides a pyrotechnic spectacle, which is supposed to guarantee a good harvest and business according to this folkloristic tradition. EPA/MAURIZIO DEGL’INNOCENTI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Włochy: wielkanocne fajerwerki [GALERIA]
Włochy: Wielkanocne fajerwerki wybuchają podczas "Wybuchu wozu" (inna nazwa to "Scoppio del carro").
To tradycyjny pokaz sztucznych ogni, zaczyna się przy katedrze we Florencji. Co roku w Niedzielę Wielkanocną odbywa się pirotechniczny spektakl ,
co ma gwarantować dobre zbiory i interesy przez cały następny rok. To wieloletnia, folklorystyczna tradycja, fot: Maurizio Degl'innocenti, PAP, EPA.
- epa06640047 Fireworks goes off during the 'Explosion of the Cart’, or 'Scoppio del carro’, a tradition outside the landmark cathedral in Florence, Italy, 01 April 2018. Annually on Easter Sunday a cart packed with fireworks is ignited and provides a pyrotechnic spectacle, which is supposed to guarantee a good harvest and business according to this folkloristic tradition. EPA/MAURIZIO DEGL’INNOCENTI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06640048 Fireworks goes off during the 'Explosion of the Cart’, or 'Scoppio del carro’, a tradition outside the landmark cathedral in Florence, Italy, 01 April 2018. Annually on Easter Sunday a cart packed with fireworks is ignited and provides a pyrotechnic spectacle, which is supposed to guarantee a good harvest and business according to this folkloristic tradition. EPA/MAURIZIO DEGL’INNOCENTI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06640049 A 'bird’ on a fireworks rocket ignites the 'Explosion of the Cart’, or 'Scoppio del carro’, a tradition outside the landmark cathedral in Florence, Italy, 01 April 2018. Annually on Easter Sunday a cart packed with fireworks is ignited and provides a pyrotechnic spectacle, which is supposed to guarantee a good harvest and business according to this folkloristic tradition. EPA/MAURIZIO DEGL’INNOCENTI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.