Rumunia: konsekracja Katedry Narodowego Odkupienia [GALERIA]
Nazywana jest także Katedą Zbawienia Ludu, budynek dzieli ten sam dziedziniec co Pałac Parlamentu – największy na świecie budynek administracyjny do użytku cywilnego. Do budowy konstrukcji katedry użyto około 100 000 metrów sześciennych betonu, a także 70 000 ton stalowej armatury. Katedra, która używa największego na świecie swobodnego dzwonka kościelnego, przewyższającego dzwon Świętego Piotra w katedrze w Kolonii. Ma się ona stać największą cerkwią na świecie. Budowa rozpoczęła się w 2010 roku, a cena została oszacowana na 110 milionów euro, według urzędników Kościoła prawosławnego.
- epa07187776 Aerial view of the Cathedral of National Redemption taken before tomorrow’s the consecration service of the cathedral , in Bucharest, Romania, 24 November 2018. Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, currently Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople arrived in Bucharest to attend to the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption Sunday 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07187781 Romanian Orthodox Patriarch Daniel attends a mass dedicated to the nation’s fallen heroes before tomorrow’s the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, in Bucharest, Romania, 24 November 2018. Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, currently Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople arrived in Bucharest to attend to the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption Sunday 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epaselect epa07187783 Romanian Orthodox Patriarch Daniel (L – in white) arrives for a mass dedicated to the nation’s fallen heroes before tomorrow’s the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, in Bucharest, Romania, 24 November 2018. Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, currently Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople arrived in Bucharest to attend to the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption Sunday 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa07189671 Young Romanian women from Barsana Village – Maramures county (600 Km north from Bucharest) pose with their traditional peasant costumes while attending, in the outside yeard, the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07189672 A Romanian Orthodox priest turns aside while standing on the stairs of the entrance during the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, covered by fog, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa07189712 Romanian Orthodox priests enter the church doors to take part at the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07189713 Romanian people force a police line to enter the outside yard during the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, covered by fog, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa07189715 A Romanian mother holds her child to kiss the shrine with the Holy Hand of Saint Apostle Andrew, the Protector of Romania, inside the altar of the Cathedral of National Redemption, shortly after the consecration service, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07189727 Young believers from northern Romania, wearong their traditional peasant costumes, attend the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption from the outside court, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa07189740 Young believers from northern Romania, wearing their traditional peasant costumes and hats, wait in line to visit the altar of the National Redemption Cathedral, shortly after the consecration service, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07189741 A Romanian elderly woman prays on her knees while attending, in the outside yard, the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa07189795 Romanian people wearing traditional costumes attend the consecration service of the Cathedral of National Redemption, covered by fog, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa07189824 Believers queue in front of the iconostasis in order to enter the altar of the Cathedral of National Redemption shortly after the consecration service, in Bucharest, Romania, 25 November 2018. Also named People’s Salvation Cathedral, the building is sharing the same courtyard as the Palace of the Parliament – the world’s largest administrative building for civilian use. About 100.000 cubic meters of concrete were used to build the cathedral structure, as well as 70.000 tons of steel armature. The cathedral, that is using the world’s largest free swinging church bell, surpassing the Saint Peter’s bell in the Cologne Cathedral, is claimed to become the largest Orthodox church in the world when finished. The construction started in 2010, and the price was estimated at 110 million euro, according to the Orthodox Church officials. Up to 30.000 believers from all over the country attend the consecration mass, that could be watched on huge TV screens installed outside the cathedral. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT Dostawca: PAP/EPA.