epa05661452 People carry mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Szwajcaria: polowanie na Mikołaja
Przed świętem św. Mikołaja w Szwajcarii odbywają się uliczne procesje. Obecni maszerują w wyglądających jak witraży czy lampiony roratnie czapkach. Jest to stary szwajcarski zwyczaj nazywany Klausjagen (Polowanie na Mikołaja). Początkowo było to tradycją pogańską, której celem było przegonienie hałaśliwymi instrumentami duchów zimy, jednak z czasem, na potrzeby ewangelizacji świętowanie włączono do chrześcijaństwa i wiążę się z osobą św. Mikołaja, biskupa. Fot. PAP/EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY
- epa05661452 People carry mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05661453 People carry mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05661454 A participant lights one of the mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa05661456 People carry mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa05661457 A participant lights one of the mitre-shaped illuminated paper hats as they walk in a colourful lights procession through the streets during the festival of an ancient Swiss custom called 'Klausjagen’ (Nicholas Chase) on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Kuessnacht, Switzerland, 05 December 2016. Originally from a pagan rite to expel the winter spirits with noisy instruments, the custom was later intermixed with Christian elements. EPA/ALEXANDRA WEY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.