epa06163591 A nun bows after a mass prayer during a service celebrating the 107th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Urodziny Matki Teresy [GALERIA]
Siostra Prema Przełożona Generalna Domu Matki i uczestnicy modlitwy podczas obchodów 107. rocznicy urodzin Matki Teresy w Domu Matki w Kalkucie (Indie).
Matka Teresa urodziła się jako Agnes Gonxha Bojewiu 26 sierpnia 1910 roku w Skopje w Macedonii.
Zaczęła pracę misyjną z ubogimi w Kalkucie w 1948 roku (w 1979 roku otrzymała Pokojową Nagrodę Nobla).
Założyła Zgromadzenie Misjonarek Miłości. Przez ponad 45 lat prowadziła hospicja dla umierających, ubogich, chorych i sierot.
Misjonarki Miłości systematycznie rozwijały się i w roku jej śmierci obsługiwały 610 misji w 123 krajach
(hospicja, domy dla zakażonych HIV/AIDS, trądem i gruźlicą, jadłodajnie, programy wspierające dzieci i rodziny, domy dziecka i szkoły).
W 1997 roku została beatyfikowana przez papieża Jana Pawła II i otrzymała tytuł Błogosławionej Teresy z Kalkuty.
To pierwsze takie obchody jej urodzin po kanonizacji Matki Teresy dokonanej przez Franciszka w 2016 roku.
(fot: Piyal Adhikary, PAP/EPA)
- epa06163621 Sister Prema (R), superior-general of the Mother House, addresses participants of a mass prayer during a service celebrating Mother Teresa’s 107th birth anniversary at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa – seen on a painting in background – was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06163601 Nuns and visitors stand on the galleries as they take part in a mass prayer during a service celebrating the 107th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06163600 Nuns and visitors take part in a mass prayer during a service celebrating Mother Teresa’s 107th birth anniversary at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.


- epa06163591 A nun bows after a mass prayer during a service celebrating the 107th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06163592 A nun bows at the tomb of Mother Teresa after a mass prayer during a service celebrating her 107th birth anniversary at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

- epa06163594 Sister Prema, superior-general of the Mother House, addresses participants of a mass prayer during a service celebrating Mother Teresa’s 107th birth anniversary at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa – seen on a painting in background – was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
- epa06163595 Sister Prema (C), superior-general of the Mother House, blesses a visitor after a mass prayer during a service celebrating the 107th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, at the Mother House in Calcutta, eastern India, 26 August 2017. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on 26 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje, Macedonia. She began her missionary work with the poor in Calcutta in 1948, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Following her death in 1997 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. It is Mother Teresa’s first birthday celebration in Calcutta after her canonization by Pope Francis in 2106. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY Dostawca: PAP/EPA.