epa06866884 A handout photo made available by the Thai Navy SEAL on 06 July 2018 shows Thai military personnel carrying equipment inside a cave complex during the ongoing rescue operations for the youth soccer team and their assistant coach, at Tham Luang cave in Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park, Chiang Rai province, Thailand. According to latest reports, a former Thai Navy diver has died during the rescue operations to safely bring out the youth soccer team out of the cave. Rescuers are bringing supplies and food into the cave, where the missing 12 boys and their coach remain trapped since 23 June, as efforts to drain the cave have not been successful due to rainy weather. EPA/THAI NAVY SEAL HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Tajlandia: uratowano wszystkie osoby uwięzione w jaskini

Z zalanej jaskini Tham Luang Nang Non w północnej Tajlandii ewakuowano we wtorek 13. osobę. W jaskini uwięzionych było od 23 czerwca 12 nastolatków i ich 25-letni trener piłki nożnej.

O trzynastej wyprowadzonej na powierzchnię osobie poinformowała agencja Kyodo, powołując się na źródła wojskowe.

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