epa06366196 An Indian devadasi displays her hands which have been decorated with henna, as she participates in rituals dedicated to her deity Goddess Yellamma or Renuka, in Mumbai, India, 03 Decmber 2017. These Devadasi, defined as a girl or woman married to a diety or temple – ‘a servant of God’- are in service to Yellamma – the goddess of fertility. The widowhood ritual is performed during a full moon in between December and January. EPA/DIVYAKANT SOLANKI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Indie: rytuał devadasi [GALERIA]

Devadasi w sanskrycie oznacza dosłownie sformułowanie „sługa dewy” a więc jednego z indyjskich bogów. Rytuał ten polega na oddaniu dziewczyny w małżeństwo z bóstwem lub świątynią. 

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